Not sure what to expect? Here’s what last years participant’s said:
“I really enjoyed I, it was really comfortable, people were open and there was no awkwardness. I would recommend it; I learned a good bit from it. I changed some habits and perspectives on things for the more positive and now I manage myself much better. There is generally an all-round improvement in my life” (Male, 19 years)
“I loved the discussions, it wasn’t always personal problems – everybody debated ideas, explored and analysed concepts and ideas in mental health, I don’t have the opportunity to talk about these things anywhere else.” (Female, 21 years)
“I came to the group because I felt so low, like I was stuck in a hole, stuck in self-pity, it really shakes you out of that through hearing other people’s stories and the little things, it all helps you realise you’re not going to get any better doing the same thing that doesn’t work and you become aware that you need to learn new ways of coping.” (Female, 22 years)
“I found it really helpful for dealing with problems because after a few weeks we became friends and it was a such a good support knowing someone was there for you” (Male, 20 years)
“The environment was laid back and chilled, you’d never feel judged, it is a safe space to talk, I feel more confident now to speak about mental health and being here did that”” (Female, 25years)
“When you are young, you don’t have a lot of control – parents, school, routine, doctors, structures, systems – this place is like a space to be who you are, you’re not restricted. The social aspect is brilliant, you meet people and actually get out of the house, this was the one day a week I’d actually socialise and I need it because I can get isolated.” (Female 23 years)
How did it start?